Thursday, 4 August 2011

TTWK update

Welcome to the latest news and events from TTWK.


“Sweet dreams” Songs and Poetry evening, August 10th

With new members and fresh enthusiasm in our “Yellow” group we have a couple of forthcoming come-and-join-in gatherings. Building on the popularity of recent “Songs on Toast” events, the Sweet Pea cafe in West Kirby is hosting a songs and poetry evening on Wednesday, August 10th from 5.30-7.30pm. “Sweet Dreams” is also an invitation to write, draw or compose a dream of how West Kirby and Hoylake would look as truly resilient communities. We will be using recycled material to make our own bunting to hang at this event.


A poster is available for this event. Please download to display and forward to your friends.


Also, on September 14th at 7.30pm, you can come and help TTWK make its very own banner to help spread the Transition message and add a touch of colour to all our events. The venue is a new and exciting one for TTWK – the former Unitarian Church, Brookfield Gardens, CH48 4EL. And, if you can’t sew, it’s a chance to learn a new skill!


Tasty fare for free in Hoylake

Incredible Edible Hoylake have published a very special menu of all the fabulous free food that is sprouting up around the town. You can have a look for yourself here. The group has an active Facebook page if you want to keep in regular touch. You can also find TTWK there.  Why not join us?


Calling all car owners
Does your car spend most of its time sitting in the drive way, depreciating? Ever wondered how much you could save by car sharing? Not to mention the environmental benefits.

If you are interested in pioneering a car share scheme for West Kirby/Hoylake please email us or ring 632 5366.


Wirral Coastal Strategy
Wirral Council has just publicly announced news of its Coastal Strategy. As a response to this, there is a proposal to bring together a (mix-disciplinary) group who might be interested in forming a Wirral Peninsula Futures Project team. The purpose of this would be to contribute an integrated long-term 'cultural' perspective to the development and progress of the Coastal Strategy. Meetings have been arranged with Council staff to develop this proposal.

If you would like to see Wirral encompass a stronger cultural element in devising its coastal strategy and are interested in getting involved, please reply to this message or phone 632 5366 in the first instance. You can learn more by following the coastal strategy link or by studying the shoreline management plan.


....and finally
Please make a note in you diary for our Annual General Party on the evening of Friday, September 23rd. More details, including the venue, to follow, but please note the date for what promises to be a special event.


And, if you would like to join our core group to help further the cause of Transition in Wirral please ring 632 5366.

Yours in Transition
the Transition Town West Kirby team

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