Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Transition Town West Kirby update

Welcome to another update from TTWK.


Gasland film this Friday

A reminder that our next film screening takes place this Friday, October 21. The venue is the URC Church Hall on Meols Drive. Screening time will be 7.30pm with admission by donation. This is a highly topical screening of Gasland, the widely acclaimed investigation into the impacts of shale gas or “fracking”. You can get more details about the film here.


3rd Hoylake Local Food Fair

Sunday 30th October, 10am to 2pm, Hoylake Community Centre.

All the usual local producers will be there, joined by several new stalls selling cider, local rare-breed lamb, Anatolian cuisine, ostrich and more.  There will be cookery demos from pastry chef Les Bell of Chantilly, and a chance to buy produce from Yasmin Limbert, Wirral's contestant in the Great British Bake Off.  Please come along and support local producers.


The event is organised and run by volunteers, with any profit going directly to improve facilities at Hoylake Community Centre - more details at www.wirralfood.org.uk.  We would welcome offers of help from anyone who would like to be part of the great team of volunteers who continue to support the event.  Please click on this link to let us know if you can offer any help (no matter how small).


Lantern making workshops

Half-term lantern making workshops for young and old, Tuesday, October 25th 10:30-1pm at the drop-in centre, URC Hall, Meols Drive and Wednesday, October 26th, also 10:30-1pm, at the scout hut, Grange Park (top of Lang Lane). Suggested donation to cover costs £4. Please book in advance with Ian Morris on 625 8474.


Any adults wanting to go for a more adventurous lantern can join the TTWK Yellow Group on Tuesday, November 1st at the URC at 7pm.


Travelling Light Peace Parade, 11.11.11

This year, as well as being joined by the Wirral samba band again, Cantemus, the Calday Community Choir, will sing some songs of peace. We meet at 5.30pm on November 11th in Coronation Gardens for Songs of Peace and an enactment of a St. Martin legend. The parade will start at 6pm. If it’s wet and windy we’ll stay in Coronation Gardens using led lights for safety so please, if you can, bring lights to substitute candles if necessary. Please also bring a mug for a hot drink afterwards.


If anyone knows a film maker willing to record the event, please let us know.


“Growing Recovery”

Crass Routes is funding the planting of fruit trees for a community orchard at the transition allotments, Gilroy Road. A group from the Drugs and Alcohol Action Team and Wirral Mind’s Fountain Project will be working on the first three Wednesdays in November. If you would like to help, please respond to this email.


Incredible Edible Hoylake
This community group planting edible plants in public spaces around Hoylake is really flourishing.  They have fruit, vegetables and herbs planted on Manor Road station and various borders and gardens around Hoylake  as well as a recent successful bid for funding to plant 100 fruit and nut trees.  To find out more or get involved, email incrededhoylake@gmail.com


Other Wirral-based events taking place soon


22nd Oct - 10am to 1pm, Swap Day
St Andrews URC, Greenwood Road (next to Railway Inn), Meols
Give unwanted household items in usable condition and take anything free of charge (for your own use). For more details see la21.net, the website of Wirral Environmental Network (WEN).

Meanwhile, this Wednesday, October 19th, WEN is launching its Sustainable Living Project. Over the course of the next year the project hopes to work with community groups and schools to develop a new concept called Environmental Community Planning – a holistic look at our present unsustainable lifestyles and the way we can start to influence changes, whether as individuals or groups.  

The event will consist of a short presentation followed by question and answers and will be held at the Williamson Art Gallery, Slatey Rd Birkenhead starting at 1pm.

Love Food, Hate Waste project

Estimates nationally suggest that more than 16% of the waste we throw away is unused food. The monetary value per household is thought to be £680 per year or in the case of a single person living alone £450. The aim through this project is to work with the public to reduce the volume of waste food thus saving participants significant sums of money.


Wirral Council is looking to identify five members of the public in whom they will invest training and time to give them a better understanding of the subject of food waste. Before starting they will have members of our team analyse the residual waste of the participants and after the training the team will periodically re-examine the waste produced to identify weight savings.  The team will also be on hand to provide ongoing support.


Part of the training will enable participants to pass on their knowledge to friends and family and as they gain confidence we will ask them to identify someone else in the area that they will train. This will be a 'rolling' process. The same level of support will be offered to the growing number of participants and after an agreed period the Council will review the entire project to establish whether it has achieved the desired results.


If you are interested and would like to know more, contact Jim Smith, Waste & Recycling, Wirral Borough Council: jimsmith@wirral.gov.uk or phone 606 2122


Yours in Transition
the Transition Town West Kirby team


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